
12 Actionable Ways to Cultivate Resilience in Kids

Resilience and independence

Resilience is a fundamental life skill that empowers children to face life’s challenges with confidence and adaptability. As parents and caregivers, fostering resilience in kids is of paramount importance.

Resilient children possess the remarkable ability to view setbacks as valuable learning experiences rather than insurmountable barriers.

When faced with difficulties, they embrace them as stepping stones toward personal growth and development.

This cognitive perspective enables them to approach setbacks with a positive attitude, seeking solutions and new strategies to overcome obstacles.

As a result, they demonstrate higher levels of resilience, which is the ability to bounce back from adversity and thrive despite difficulties.

Set a Positive Example

Children learn by observing their parents and caregivers. Demonstrate resilience in your own life, handle challenges positively, and show them how to bounce back from setbacks.


Research conducted by the Journal of Happiness Studies, along with other reputable sources, supports the profound impact of problem-solving approaches on children’s resilience.

Kids who actively engage in constructive problem-solving when confronted with setbacks are more likely to develop greater resilience compared to those who adopt a passive or defeatist mindset.

Encouraging problem-solving through setbacks is an essential aspect of nurturing resilience in children.

Understanding Resilience in Children

Resilience is a dynamic trait that goes beyond mere coping mechanisms.

Resilient children possess a robust set of skills and attitudes that enable them to navigate through life’s ups and downs with grace and determination.

The American Psychological Association (APA) defines resilience as the ability to bounce back from adversity, learn from setbacks, and develop emotional strength.

It is not about avoiding challenges but about developing the skills to overcome them with optimism and perseverance.

The significance of resilience in children’s lives cannot be understated. Numerous studies have shown that resilient kids tend to have better mental health, higher academic

performance, and more positive relationships with peers and family members. Furthermore, resilience is not an inherent trait; it can be cultivated and nurtured through various strategies and experiences.

1. Encourage Positive Self-Talk in Children

  • Create a Safe Space for Expression

Encourage your child to share their feelings openly without judgment. Let them know it’s okay to experience a wide range of emotions.

  • Teach Emotional Intelligence

Help kids recognize and label their emotions. Teach them how to understand and manage their feelings effectively.

  • Encourage Problem-Solving Skills

Guide children in solving their own problems. Offer support and suggestions, but let them take the lead in finding solutions.

1A Building Emotional Resilience

Actionable Step Examples
Create a Safe Space for Expression 1. Listen actively without interrupting
2. Use empathetic phrases like “I understand”
3. Avoid criticizing or dismissing feelings
Teach Emotional Intelligence 1. Identify emotions using feeling charts
2. Discuss scenarios and how they feel
3. Encourage journaling to express emotions
Encourage Problem-Solving Skills 1. Ask open-ended questions about challenges
2. Brainstorm solutions together
3. Praise their efforts in finding solutions

2. Fostering Emotional Intelligence in Kids

  • Foster a Growth Mindset

Teach kids that their abilities can be developed through effort and dedication. Emphasize learning from mistakes and seeing challenges as opportunities to grow.

  • Practice Positive Self-Talk

Help children identify negative thoughts and replace them with positive, empowering affirmations.

  • Develop Coping Strategies
  • Teach Emotional Intelligence

Help kids recognize and label their emotions. Teach them how to understand and manage their feelings effectively.

  • Encourage Problem-Solving Skills

Guide children in solving their own problems. Offer support and suggestions, but let them take the lead in finding solutions.

2A. Developing Mental Resilience

Actionable Step Examples
Foster a Growth Mindset 1. Praise efforts and hard work over outcomes
2. Share stories of famous resilient individuals
3. Encourage learning from failures and setbacks
Practice Positive Self-Talk 1. Teach affirmations like “I can do it”
2. Help reframe negative thoughts to positive
3. Remind them to be kind to themselves
Develop Coping Strategies 1. Deep breathing exercises during stress
2. Taking short breaks to relax and recharge
3. Engaging in hobbies to reduce anxiety


2B. Building Emotional Resilience

Actionable Step Examples
Create a Safe Space for Expression 1. Listen actively without interrupting
2. Use empathetic phrases like “I understand”
3. Avoid criticizing or dismissing feelings
Teach Emotional Intelligence 1. Identify emotions using feeling charts
2. Discuss scenarios and how they feel
3. Encourage journaling to express emotions
Encourage Problem-Solving Skills 1. Ask open-ended questions about challenges
2. Brainstorm solutions together
3. Praise their efforts in finding solutions

3. Cultivating a Growth Mindset in Children

  • Build Strong Support Networks

Cultivate family bonds and encourage positive relationships with friends. Having a strong support system can help kids cope with difficulties.

  • Teach Effective Communication

Help children express their needs and feelings assertively. Encourage them to listen actively and empathize with others.

  • Promote Empathy and Understanding

Teach kids to consider other people’s perspectives and feelings, fostering a sense of compassion and empathy.

3A. Nurturing Social Resilience

Actionable Step Examples
Build Strong Support Networks 1. Spend quality time together as a family
2. Arrange playdates with friends or relatives
3. Engage in community activities or clubs
Teach Effective Communication 1. Practice active listening during conversations
2. Teach “I” statements to express needs
3. Role-play different communication scenarios
Promote Empathy and Understanding 1. Encourage perspective-taking exercises
2. Discuss the emotions and feelings of others
3. Volunteer as a family to help those in need

4. Building Resilience through Supportive Networks

  • Promote a Healthy Lifestyle

Encourage regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep. A healthy body can better cope with stress.

  • Teach Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques

Introduce mindfulness exercises and relaxation techniques to help kids manage stress and stay present in challenging situations.

 4A. Physical Resilience and Well-being

Actionable Step Examples
Promote a Healthy Lifestyle 1. Go for family walks or bike rides
2. Prepare nutritious meals together
3. Set consistent bedtime routines
Teach Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques 1. Practice deep breathing or meditation
2. Teach progressive muscle relaxation
3. Engage in mindful activities like coloring

5. Fostering Academic Resilience

  • Set Realistic Expectations

Encourage children to set achievable goals and celebrate their academic progress.

  • Teach Effective Study Habits

Help kids develop strong study skills and time management techniques to handle academic challenges.

5A. Developing Problem-Solving Skills for Resilient Kids

Actionable Step Examples
Set Realistic Expectations 1. Discuss goals and break them into achievable steps
2. Encourage improvement rather than perfection
Teach Effective Study Habits 1. Create a dedicated study space
2. Set regular study times and breaks

Fostering Academic Resilience

5B. Steps to Encourage Problem-Solving in Children

Step Description
Analyze the Setback Encourage kids to reflect on the situation, understand what went wrong, and recognize any patterns that can be addressed.
Brainstorm Solutions Guide children in generating possible solutions to the problem, fostering creativity and resourcefulness.
Evaluate Options Help kids assess the potential outcomes and consequences of each solution, promoting critical thinking and decision-making skills.
Select and Implement Support children in choosing the best course of action and taking steps to address the setback with confidence and determination.
Reflect and Learn After facing setbacks, encourage kids to reflect on their experiences, identify lessons learned, and celebrate their growth and progress.

6.  Empowering Children through Goal Setting

  • Celebrate Effort, Not Just Achievement

Praise children for their hard work and determination, regardless of the outcome.

  • Normalize Failure as a Learning Opportunity

Emphasize that everyone faces setbacks, and it’s essential to learn from mistakes.

6A.  Encouraging Perseverance

Actionable Step Examples
Celebrate Effort, Not Just Achievement 1. Praise hard work and determination
2. Acknowledge progress and improvements
Normalize Failure as a Learning Opportunity 1. Share your own experiences of overcoming failure

7. Instilling Adaptability

  • Expose Kids to New Experiences

Encourage children to try new activities and step out of their comfort zones, fostering adaptability.

  • Teach Flexibility in Problem-Solving

Help kids understand that there can be multiple solutions to a problem and encourage creative thinking.

 7A. Instilling Adaptability

Actionable Step Examples
Expose Kids to New Experiences 1. Plan family outings to new places
2. Encourage trying new sports or hobbies
Teach Flexibility in Problem-Solving 1. Brainstorm multiple solutions to a problem
2. Emphasize that it’s okay to try different approaches

resilience and independence

8. Encouraging Independence

  • Assign Age-Appropriate Responsibilities

Give children tasks that promote independence and self-reliance.

  • Encourage Decision-Making

Let kids make choices and experience the consequences, teaching them how to handle outcomes positively.


 8A. Encouraging Independence

Actionable Step Examples
Assign Age-Appropriate Responsibilities 1. Allowing them to make their bed every morning
2. Giving them tasks in preparing meals
Encourage Decision-Making 1. Let them choose their extracurricular activities
2. Involve them in decisions about family outings

9. Cultivating a Growth Mindset

  • Celebrate Effort and Progress

Focus on the journey rather than just the end result to foster a growth mindset.

  • Provide Constructive Feedback

Offer feedback that emphasizes improvement

and effort, guiding children towards resilience.

9A. Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Actionable Step Examples
Celebrate Effort and Progress 1. Praise their effort in completing a difficult task
2. Acknowledge their progress in learning new skills


10. Teaching Problem-Solving Skills

  • Identify the Problem

Teach kids how to define the issue they are facing before seeking solutions.

  • Explore Different Solutions

Encourage brainstorming and creativity in finding potential solutions.

10A. Teaching Problem-Solving Skills

Actionable Step Examples
Identify the Problem 1. Ask questions to understand the issue
2. Discuss the problem together
Explore Different Solutions 1. Brainstorm various ways to solve the problem
2. Encourage creativity in finding solutions

11.  Encouraging Positive Relationships

  • Develop Healthy Friendships

Teach kids about the importance of supportive and positive friendships.

  • Address Bullying and Conflict

Equip children with strategies to handle bullying and conflicts constructively.

11A. Encouraging Positive Relationships

Actionable Step Examples
Develop Healthy Friendships 1. Encourage playdates with positive peers
2. Discuss the qualities of good friends
Address Bullying and Conflict 1. Teach assertiveness to handle bullying
2. Encourage seeking help from adults if needed

12.  Building Confidence

  • Recognize Achievements

Acknowledge your child’s accomplishments to boost their confidence.

  • Encourage Trying New Things

Support them in trying activities outside their comfort zone to build confidence in their abilities.

 12A. Building Confidence

Actionable Step Examples
Recognize Achievements 1. Display their artwork or accomplishments
2. Praise their efforts and achievements
Encourage Trying New Things 1. Support them in trying a new sport or hobby
2. Encourage participation in school activities

Be mindful to tailor the examples to suit your child’s age and interests for maximum effectiveness.

Incorporating these research-backed strategies into parenting and caregiving practices can significantly enhance children’s resilience.

Parents affirmations to child

By providing a supportive and nurturing environment, fostering emotional intelligence, instilling a growth mindset, promoting problem-solving skills, and encouraging mindfulness, parents, and caregivers empower children to face life’s challenges with resilience and determination.

It is important to remember that building resilience is a journey that requires patience, consistency, and support.

As parents and caregivers, your role in fostering resilience is instrumental in shaping children’s emotional well-being and their ability to navigate life’s complexities with grace and confidence.

By embracing these strategies and understanding the impact of positive self-talk, emotional intelligence, growth mindset, problem-solving, and mindfulness, you set the foundation for your children to thrive and become resilient individuals who can face life’s uncertainties with unwavering strength and courage.

Fostering resilience in children is a transformative and rewarding process, as it equips them with essential life skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.

By investing in their emotional growth and well-being, you lay the groundwork for their future success and happiness.

As children develop resilience, they cultivate not only the ability to overcome challenges but also a profound sense of self-belief and determination that will empower them to embrace life’s journey with resilience, courage, and an unwavering spirit.


By implementing these 12 actionable steps and fostering academic resilience, perseverance, adaptability, independence, a growth mindset, problem-solving skills, positive relationships, and confidence, parents and caregivers can effectively cultivate resilience in children.

Remember that building resilience is a gradual process, so be patient and provide consistent support and encouragement as your child grows and faces various life experiences.

Resilient kids are better equipped to navigate life’s challenges, leading to happier and more successful futures.

Teach healthy ways to handle stress and anxiety, such as deep breathing, taking breaks, or engaging in hobbies.

Incorporating these research-backed strategies into parenting and caregiving practices can significantly enhance children’s resilience.

By providing a supportive and nurturing environment, fostering emotional intelligence, instilling a growth mindset, promoting problem-solving skills, and encouraging mindfulness, parents, and caregivers empower children to face life’s challenges with resilience and determination.

It is important to remember that building resilience is a journey that requires patience, consistency, and support.

As parents and caregivers, your role in fostering resilience is instrumental in shaping children’s emotional well-being and their ability to navigate life’s complexities with grace and confidence.

By embracing these strategies and understanding the impact of positive self-talk, emotional intelligence, growth mindset, problem-solving, and mindfulness, you set the foundation for your children to thrive and become resilient individuals who can face life’s uncertainties with unwavering strength and courage.

Fostering resilience in children is a transformative and rewarding process, as it equips them with essential life skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.

By investing in their emotional growth and well-being, you lay the groundwork for their future success and happiness.

As children develop resilience, they cultivate not only the ability to overcome challenges but also a profound sense of self-belief and determination that will empower them to embrace life’s journey with resilience, courage, and an unwavering spirit.

 Questions and Answers

Question: How can parents encourage problem-solving skills in kids to build resilience?

Answer: Parents can foster resilience in kids by allowing them to face challenges and guiding them in finding solutions on their own. This helps children learn problem-solving skills and boosts their ability to overcome obstacles.

Question: What are some effective ways to teach kids about emotional intelligence and self-awareness?

Answer: Parents can cultivate resilience in kids by helping them understand and manage their emotions. Teaching emotional intelligence and self-awareness allows children to cope better with stress and build their emotional resilience.

Question: How can parents promote a growth mindset in their children to develop resilience?

Answer: Encouraging a growth mindset in kids involves praising efforts, emphasizing learning from mistakes, and showing that abilities can be developed over time. This mindset helps kids embrace challenges and persevere through setbacks.

Question: What role does physical activity play in building resilience in children?

Answer: Engaging kids in regular physical activities boosts their physical and mental health, which contributes to increased resilience. Physical activity helps kids cope with stress and enhances their ability to bounce back from adversity.

Question: How can parents instill a sense of optimism and positivity in kids to nurture resilience?

Answer: Parents can model positive thinking, highlight the bright side in challenging situations, and encourage kids to focus on solutions rather than dwelling on problems. This fosters a positive outlook and resilience in children.

Question: What are some effective ways to teach kids about coping strategies and stress management?

Answer: Teaching kids coping strategies such as deep breathing, mindfulness, and problem-solving can help them manage stress and build resilience to face difficult situations.

Question: How can parents help kids build strong social connections and support networks?

Answer: Parents can facilitate social interactions, encourage empathy, and teach kids how to be good friends. Building a strong support network enhances a child’s resilience by providing a sense of belonging and emotional support.

Question: What role does learning from failures and setbacks play in cultivating resilience in kids?

Answer: Encouraging kids to view failures as opportunities for growth and learning builds resilience. Parents can support their children in processing setbacks and understanding the valuable lessons they offer.

Question: How can parents promote effective communication skills in kids to enhance resilience?

Answer: Teaching kids how to express their feelings and thoughts openly and assertively helps them handle difficult situations and build strong relationships. Effective communication fosters resilience in kids.

Question: What are some ways to help kids develop a                sense of purpose and meaning in life?

Answer: Encouraging children to explore their interests, values, and passions can lead to a sense of purpose, which enhances resilience. Parents can support kids in finding meaning in their experiences and actions.

Question: How can parents teach kids about adaptability and flexibility in challenging situations?

Answer: Parents can expose children to diverse experiences, encourage them to embrace change, and demonstrate flexibility in their own lives. This helps kids adapt to new circumstances and become more resilient.

Question: What role do parental support and involvement play in nurturing resilience in kids?

Answer: A supportive and involved parenting style creates a secure base for kids to explore the world and take risks. When children feel supported, they are more likely to develop resilience and face challenges with confidence.

Resources and Statistics

  1. American Psychological Association (APA)
  2. Journal of Applied School Psychology
  3. Dr. Carol Dweck – Growth Mindset Research
  4. Journal of Child Development
  5. Journal of Applied School Psychology
  6. Journal of Child and Family Studies
  7. Journal of Youth and Adolescence



6 Small Child Tips To A: Self Confidence Formula

self confidence formula

The self confidence formula outlined in this article is very applicable to role model the behaviors and teachings to your small child during their developmental years. 

As a parent and grandparent myself, it is essential to model the behaviors that will help your children; confidence is key. The small child self confidence formula outlined in this article can be very applicable when raising kids during their developmental years!


Small Child Communication Skills

Communicating with clarity, connection, articulation, timeliness, and feedback is essential for success in all areas of life. The presentation helps children build relationships, express themselves, and achieve their goals. Your small child shouldn’t be left wondering if more is to come. 


There are many ways to instill confidence in your small child, but one of the most important is teaching them communication skills. Helping your child learn to express themselves clearly and confidently will allow them to assert themselves in any situation.


Tips on how to build confidence in kids by teaching communication skills:


Encourage open communication: Make sure your child knows they can come to you with anything, no matter how big or small.


Begin teaching your child communication skills early by using familiar words that feel empowering for them to use in everyday situations, such as “I’m hungry” instead of saying, “You make me eat.”


Listen: Listen to what your child has to say without

interruption. Show them that their thoughts and feelings are essential to you.


Model positive ways people can interact with one another, so they see it’s acceptable and fun!


Validate their feelings: Let your child know it’s okay to feel whatever they feel. However, please help them to understand and label their emotions.


Give them a voice: Help your child find ways to express themselves, whether through writing, art, music, or just talking.


Think before you speak. Consider carefully what you say before speaking or writing anything down because these become Filter Wheels.


-Teach them assertiveness: Show your child how to stand up for themselves respectfully. Help them practice saying “no” and setting boundaries.


Encourage self-advocacy: Teach your child how to speak up for themselves, especially regarding their needs and wants. Please help them to understand their rights and how to assert them.


Second Skill to Teach: Problem Solving Within Your Small Child

Identifying and solving problems is a valuable life skill. It helps children overcome obstacles, make decisions and find creative solutions.


Problem-solving skills help children overcome obstacles, make decisions and find creative solutions. Identifying and solving problems is a valuable life skill that will give your child more confidence as they grow up.


 To teach problem-solving, we could do something like this: – encourage them not to be afraid of trying different methods; 

-“How does it feel when you’re stuck?”


You may need some time or input from someone else before figuring out what needs fixing; channeling their energy into finding new approaches may work best for some people, while others prefer getting right down on the task at once–whatever works best.


Some tips for problem-solving skills for your child:


-Encourage them to think about different ways to solve a problem.


-Talk through the problem and ask questions to help them find a solution.


-Help them understand that there is more than one way to solve a problem.


– Encourage them to persevere when they are stuck and to keep trying different solutions.


-Praise them when they find a solution to a problem.

Your Child’s Self-Esteem


Third Skill to Teach: Organization Self Confidence Formula 

 Being organized can help children manage their time, stay on track with their goals and be more productive.

 As kids and adults, we must learn how to stay organized. Staying on task, completing tasks with excellence, and staying positive no matter what–these are skills every child should have! 

11 Parenting Tips to Model Behavior For Your Kids

You can help your small child develop these essential organizational habits by providing a place for everything.

For example, teaching following simple instructions; reminding them why organization matters. 

Also, providing lots of praise when they do the task right instead of the opposite might mean the little things the most.


The fourth Skill to Teach Your Small Child is: Flexibility

Adapting to change is an important life skill. It helps children cope with new situations, handle unexpected challenges and be open to new experiences.


How would you teach your child the skill of Flexibility? One way to show them this critical life lesson is by being open-minded and trying new things. 


For example, take risks when it comes time for a family outing! Try going somewhere different or doing something outside their comfort zone – as long as they’re safe!


Be honest with children about adversity in life; explain why sometimes plans don’t work out exactly how we want but what matters most are our reactions afterward so kids will know how their self-confidence can grow from difficult experiences.


Self-confidence is an essential skill for small children to learn. By teaching them the self confidence formula, you’re giving them the tools they need to succeed in life.


The Fifth Skill to Teach a Small Child is: Self-Awareness

Knowing who you are, your strengths and weaknesses, and what you want is crucial for success. Self-awareness helps children set goals, stay motivated, and make positive choices.


How would you teach and show your child this skill? Self-awareness is the ability to understand and be aware of your

thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Children need to develop self-awareness because it helps them regulate emotions, set boundaries, and achieve goals.


Teaching your child self-awareness can help them regulate emotions, set boundaries, and achieve goals. So how do you teach this vital skill? One way is to encourage open dialogue about the things happening in our lives as we grow up – from puberty through adulthood! 


It’s so valuable for kids to understand who they genuinely want themselves to be and what makes others feel good or bad when talking with someone else who shares these same values.

You can also model self-awareness by being aware of your thoughts and feelings and sharing them with your child.


Additionally, you can help your child develop self-awareness through activities that encourage reflection, such as journaling or mindfulness. 

Finally, you can provide opportunities for your child to practice self-regulation, such as giving them choices, setting limits, and providing consequences. 


Teaching self-awareness to your child will help them develop into confident, successful adults.

The Sixth Skill to Teach Your Small Child is: Resilience

Bouncing back from setbacks is a crucial life skill. It helps children cope with disappointment, overcome challenges and keep going when things get tough.


 How would you teach and show your child this skill?


One crucial way to build self-confidence is to be resilient in adversity. Meaning you don’t give up when things don’t go your way. You keep trying, and eventually, you’ll succeed.


One way to teach this skill is to model it yourself. When faced with a challenge, don’t give up. Instead, show your child that you’re resilient by continuing to try until you succeed.


You can also help your child build Resilience by teaching them how to problem-solve. When they face a challenge, please encourage them to brainstorm different ways to overcome it. 


For example, help them see that there is more than one way to skin a cat and that if one doesn’t work, they can try another.


Encourage your child to persevere in the face of adversity, and they will develop the self-confidence to overcome any challenge they encounter.


It’s never too early to start instilling qualities that will lead to a strong sense of self-confidence in your child. By teaching them communication, problem-solving, organization, flexibility, self-awareness, and resilience skills from a young age, you can set them up for success in all areas of their lives.

As they grow older and face more challenges, they will be better equipped to handle whatever comes their way – thanks to you.

Emotionally Immature Parents [18 Signs]

Emotionally Immature Parents

Experiencing emotionally immature parents can be difficult and frustrating. Many adult children of emotionally immature parents report feeling like they are constantly walking on eggshells.

If you have an emotionally immature parent, you may have to apologize for things that are not your fault or feel as though you are always trying to tiptoe around their moods. It can be challenging to have a healthy relationship with an emotionally immature parent, but there are some things you can do to manage the situation.

Remember that you are not responsible for their emotions. You cannot control how they feel, and you should not try to take on that responsibility. It is also essential to set boundaries with your parent. Let them know what is and is not acceptable behavior, and be prepared to enforce those boundaries if necessary.

Finally, try to focus on the positive aspects of your relationship, and don’t dwell on the negative. Taking these steps can make the best of a difficult situation.

If this sounds familiar, read on for 18 signs that your parent is emotionally immature. Knowing that you’re not alone can help give you some relief and validation.

Immaturity Definition

Unlike their peers, immature people are typically characterized as being emotionally and/or mentally underdeveloped. They may be more prone to making impulsive decisions, acting out in a destructive or harmful manner, or engaging in other behavior considered immature.

Additionally, immature people may have difficulty coping with stressful situations or handling relationships healthily.   This can result in a range of problems for the emotionally immature parent and their family.

If you have emotionally immature parents, you may find yourself constantly walking on eggshells or feeling like you’re never good enough

What are the types of emotionally immature parents?

There are four types of emotionally immature parents:

  • narcissist.
  • drama queen/king.
  • control freak.

Narcissists are self-absorbed and have difficulty empathizing with others. They may be critical and dismissive of their children. Drama queens/kings are always seeking attention and can be emotionally manipulative.

Emotionally unavailable parents may be emotionally distant or neglectful. Control freaks are overbearing and try to micromanage their children’s lives.

If you have emotionally immature parents, try understanding their origin. Empathetic innocent parents often have issues they are dealing with, which can lead to them behaving emotionally immaturely.

If you can understand what might be going on with them, it can help you respond more clearly.

11 Parenting tips to model behavior for your kids

Emotionally unavailable parents

Unable to handle stress. Emotionally immature parents often have difficulty dealing with stress. This can result in them feeling overwhelmed and even resorting to unhealthy coping mechanisms such as substance abuse.

They are not able to handle conflict. These parents often have difficulty dealing with conflict. They may avoid conflict altogether, or they may become argumentative and aggressive when conflict does arise.

They often become defensive, dismiss the topic as unimportant, and jump to conclusions without facts, Not Listening to Others, and Inability to Stay Calm.

Difficulty empathizing. They may not be able to understand or share their emotional experiences. This can make it hard for you to respond to their needs in a supportive and helpful way. Knowing how to react when your child is sad, angry, or upset can be challenging. You may find yourself getting defensive or becoming impatient. You may also have difficulty recognizing when your child is struggling emotionally.

Inability to compromise.  This can lead to conflict and power struggles, and a lack of cooperation. These parents may also be more likely emotionally or physically abuse their children. Additionally, they tend to have difficulty controlling their emotions.

They may shout or say hurtful things in the heat of the moment. This can damage their relationship with their child and make it difficult to resolve conflict constructively. Emotionally immature parents may also have a hard time letting go of things that are important to them.

Emotionally withdrawn

They blame others for their problems. Signs of emotionally immature parents often blame others for their problems. This includes blaming their children for their own mistakes or shortcomings. Empathetic ignorant parents may also blame their spouse or partner for their problems.

Lack of the ability to handle criticism. We all have to deal with complaints at some point in our lives. However, emotionally immature parents are not able to take criticism healthily. They may become defensive or even lash out at the person who is criticizing them.

Victim mentality in relationships. Emotionally immature parents often see themselves as victims. This means they believe they are constantly mistreated and that the world is out to get them. This victim mentality can result in a lot of anger and resentment.

Incompetent coping with disappointment or setbacks. Emotionally immature parents have difficulty coping with disappointment or setbacks. They may become emotionally or physically overwhelmed when they don’t get their way.

Excessively reliant on others. Emotionally immature parents often rely too heavily on others for support. This includes depending on their children for emotional support.

Unfit to accept responsibility for their actions. Emotionally immature parents often have difficulty taking responsibility for their actions.

Stubborn and feels they’re always right. They can’t handle being wrong, even if it’s just a tiny thing. This need to be right can always lead to them being overly critical of others.

Repeatedly seeking approval. Emotionally immature parents constantly seek support, whether it’s from their partner, children, or friends. They need constant validation and reassurance that they’re doing a good job.

Consistently looking for a scapegoat. Emotionally immature parents always look for someone to blame when things go wrong. This can be their partner, their child, or even themselves.

Additional defects of character

Intensely reactive. Emotionally immature parents tend to be emotionally reactive. They may overreact to small things or become easily angered. This can make it challenging to have a calm, rational discussion with them.

Struggle to control their emotions. Emotionally immature parents often have difficulty controlling their emotions. They may cry easily or lash out in anger. They may also have trouble dealing with strong emotions like sadness or fear.

Self-centered. Emotionally immature parents are often very self-centered. They may be more concerned with their needs and wants than with the requirements of their family. This can make them seem insensitive and uncaring.

 Emotionally unavailable or “commitment-phobic.”This person is afraid of commitment and will do anything to avoid it. They may be fearful of being hurt or rejected, so they push people away before they have a chance to get close. Because they’re preoccupied with their own lives or don’t know how to deal with emotions. This can make it challenging to connect with them on a deep level.

Resist change, remain set in their ways, and be unwilling to adapt or improve.  Even when it’s clear that something needs to be changed. They may hold onto outdated beliefs or behaviors, even when they’re no longer serving them well.

This can make it challenging to have a productive conversation with them about important issues. To move forward, it’s essential to be open to new ideas and willing to let go of old, outdated ways of doing things. Otherwise, you’ll end up stuck in the past while everyone else moves on without you.

Effects of emotionally immature parents

The effects of emotionally immature parents can be far-reaching and long-lasting. Children of emotionally immature parents often have trouble developing positive relationships, as they may never have learned how to communicate effectively or deal with emotions.

They may also struggle with anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem. Additionally, these children may have difficulty managing their emotions and act out in destructive or harmful ways. Ultimately, the effects of emotionally immature parents can have a profound and negative impact on their children’s lives.

 The damagedone being raised by emotionally immature parents

The damagedone by being raised by emotionally immature parents can be profound. The damage can lead to a lifetime of insecurity, self-doubt, and depression. Additionally, this may cause difficulty in trusting others, forming healthy relationships, and finding success.

Often, it is said that we learn how to love from our parents. If our parents are emotionally immature, they may not be able to show us what a healthy, loving relationship looks like. Instead, we may learn unhealthy patterns of relating to others. We may become codependent, needy, or even abusive ourselves.

The good news is that it is never too late to learn how to love yourself and others healthily. Many books and resources are available to help you heal the wounds of your past and create a brighter future.

How to deal with emotionally immature parents

It’s difficult dealing with emotionally immature parents, but there are some things you can do to make the situation better. First, try to have realistic expectations. Your parents may never be perfect, so don’t expect them to be.

Second, try to communicate effectively. This means talking to your parents so that they will understand and listen to what they have to say. Third, try to be patient. Emotionally immature parents may not always make the best decisions, but they try their best.

Finally, try to take care of yourself. This means taking time for yourself, doing things that make you happy, and seeking professional help.

How to be emotionally mature

One of the most important things you can do to be emotionally mature is to learn how to communicate effectively with others. This means being able to express your thoughts and feelings in a way that is respectful and clear.

It also involves listening to what others say without getting defensive or reacting emotionally. Communicating effectively can help you in all areas of your life, from your relationships to your professional career.

Another critical aspect of emotional maturity is learning how to manage your emotions. This means being able to control your reactions to things that happen, both good and bad. It’s normal to feel a range of emotions, but it’s important not to let them get the best of you.

Finally, it’s crucial to have a healthy outlook on life. This means seeing the positive side of things, even when things are tough.

It also means accepting that not everything will go your way and that you won’t always get what you want. A healthy outlook will help you maintain emotional maturity, even when things are tough.

Spotting emotional immaturity in high-conflict personalities


Emotionally immature parents must grow up emotionally to have healthy relationships with their children, spouses, and others. They need to learn how to deal with their emotions in a healthy way, how to compromise, how to accept responsibility for their actions, and how to empathize with others.

Parents who are unwilling to change will likely continue to have difficulty in their relationships. emotionally immature parents need to be willing to change to have healthy, productive relationships.

What Will My Grandchild Remember Most

Will grandchild remember

What will my grandchild remember most about me? Here are ten actions that will ensure they always know how much you love them.  In a blink of an eye, our kids grow up and before we know it, we’re grandparents!

They bring so much joy into our lives and it’s a privilege to be able to watch them grow and learn.

Both of my grandparents were hard-working people who showed me the importance of a good work ethic. They also taught me the value of family and always being there for one another.

The fondest memories I have of them would include spending time together at family gatherings, going on family vacations, and just spending time talking and laughing together.

They instilled in me the importance of always doing my best and treating others with kindness and respect. These lessons have stuck with me throughout my life and have helped me in many ways. I am so grateful to have had such wonderful role models in my grandparents.

Now as a grandparent yourself, what was your relationship with your grandparents like, can you remember what was it that made you feel so safe and loved by that special relationship?

11 Parenting Tips to Model Behavior For Your Kids

Here Are the 10 Best Actions

What My Grandchild Will Remember Most 

1. How you made them feel: Your grandchild will always remember how you made them feel. If you made them feel loved, special, and important, they will always remember that. If you made them feel scared, anxious, or unhappy, they will also remember that. It’s so important to always try to make your grandchild feel happy and loved.

1. The sound of your voice: There’s nothing like hearing your grandparent’s voice. Whether it’s telling stories, reading a book, or singing a song, your grandkids will always remember the way you sound.

2. Your hugs: Hugs from grandparents are the best! They’re warm and comforting, and always make everything feel better.

3. Your smile: Your smile is one of the first things they’ll notice about you and it’ll always make them feel happy.

4. The way you make them feel: Grandparents have a special way of making their grandchildren feel loved, accepted, and important. You are the one person who will always be on your side no matter what.

5. The things you’ve taught them: From how to put their shoes on by themselves to how to ride a bike, your grandkids will always remember the things you’ve taught them. You’re their go-to person for life advice, whether they want it or not!

6. The time you’ve spent with them: Whether it’s going for walks, playing games, or just sitting and talking, the time you spend with your grandkids is precious and they’ll always remember it. pointing out the sounds and sites of nature while on a nature hike.

7. Your traditions: Traditions are a big part of what makes being a grandparent so special. From holidays to birthdays to family dinners, your grandchildren will always remember the traditions you’ve shared with them.

8. The stories you’ve told them: Stories about when you were their age, stories from your childhood, or even made-up stories – your grandchildren will love them all! And they’ll never forget the times spent snuggled up together listening to you tell them.

9. Your laughter: Laughter is such an important part of life and something that grandparents can really help give their grandchildren. No matter what’s going on in their lives, they’ll always remember how good it felt to laugh with you. One of the best things in life is laughter, and your grandkids will always remember the times when you made them laugh. Whether it’s playing games, telling jokes, or just clowning around, laughter is something that will always bring people together.

10. Your Love: This is perhaps the most important thing on this list because no matter what happens in life, your grandchildren will always know that they are loved by you – unconditionally and without hesitation.


Grandparents play an important role in the lives of their grandchildren. They provide love, guidance, and support that help shape who they become. Grandchildren are a blessing and a source of joy for grandparents. Knowing that you have made a lasting impact in their lives is one of the most rewarding things about being a grandparent.

United States Census Bureau

While there are many ways to make sure your grandchildren remember you, the most important thing is to simply let them know how much you love them. With that, they will always carry a part of you with them – no matter where life takes them. The 10 things listed above are just a few of the many ways that grandparents make a lasting impact in the lives of their grandchildren.

Can you recall the joy of experiencing any of these things with your own grandparents? If so, take a moment to cherish those memories and let them fill you with happiness. And if you’re fortunate enough to still have your grandparents in your life, take the time to let them know how much they mean to you. After all, they won’t be around forever.

18 Tips: How Grandparenting Can Positively Influence a Child


Grandparenting can be a wonderful and rewarding experience. It can also be a great way to positively influence a child’s life. Here are eighteen tips that will help your family thrive!

Which school of thought is correct? The answer is that there is no right or wrong answer—it ultimately depends on what works best for the family. Some families thrive when grandparents are heavily involved in their grandchildren’s lives, while others prefer a more relaxed approach. There is no single “right” way to do things.

 Bond Between Grandfather, Grandmother, and Grandchildren

Grandparenting has a different perspective on life than parents, and they can offer valuable insights and advice to their grandchildren—advice that only comes with age and experience.

Grandparents also have more time to spend with their grandchildren than parents. With hectic work schedules and busy social lives, it can be difficult for parents to find quality time to spend with their children. Additionally, grandparents usually have more free time (unless they work full-time).

 Because of this availability, they can dedicate more time to activities such as reading or playing games with their grandchildren—activities that are so important for a grandchild’s development.

How To Make The Most of Your Grandparenting Experience

A grandparent’s love is unlike any other—it is pure and unconditional. A grandparent will always see the best in their grandchild, no matter what mistakes they may make or what challenges they may face. This love is invaluable to a child’s sense of self-worth and self-esteem.

Knowing that there is someone who loves them unconditionally can give a child the strength and confidence they need to overcome anything life throws their way. As a grandparent, it is my honor and privilege to offer this type of love to my grandchildren. I cherish every moment I spend with them, and I am grateful for the role I get to play in their lives.

The bond between grandparents and grandchildren is a special one built on love, trust, and mutuality. As a result, grandparents can offer a unique type of guidance to grandkids—the kind of guidance that can only come with age and experience. 

They can also give grandkids the gift of time—which is crucial for a child’s development. If you are lucky enough to have grandparents in your life, cherish the bond you share. It is extraordinary.

11 parenting tips to model behavior for your kids

 Grandparenting – Lead By Example To Influence a Child’s Life

Be a positive role model for your children and grandchildren.

You can influence a child’s life through your lifestyle by setting a good example. Try to lead by example in everything you do, from eating and exercising to treating others.

Walk by a faith-over-fear lifestyle. Being role models of faith, a grandparent can show their grandchildren how to face life’s challenges with courage and hope.

Sharing stories of their faith journey, a grandparent can inspire grandchildren to overcome obstacles and persevere in their own lives. Praying with and for grandchildren, a grandparent can instill in their trust in God’s power and love.

Always maintain a positive outlook, even in the face of trials. Then, a grandparent can demonstrate to grandchildren that faith can overcome any fear.

Tips On How To Get To Know Your Grandkids Through Grandparenting

1. Get to know your grandchild’s interests and passions. This will give you a common ground to bond over and make it easy to come up with fun activities to do together. For example, take trips to the library, sign up for educational classes, or read books side-by-side.

2. Share your interests and hobbies with your grandchild. They may not be interested in everything you enjoy, but it’s a great way to connect and give them a taste of what you love. Encourage independence whenever possible. Again, this supports growth and fosters a healthy sense of self-reliance.

3. Make an effort to stay physically active together. This could involve walking, playing catch, or even dancing around the living room. Just getting moving will boost your moods and energy levels!

5. Don’t put pressure on your grandchild to perform or compete. Let them know they can enjoy themselves and have fun without worrying about winning or losing.

6. Be a good listener. Sometimes, all a grandchild needs are someone to lend a listening ear, whether they’re sharing big news or venting about their day-to-day frustrations.

7. Be patient when teaching new skills or games. It may take some time for your grandchild to master whatever you’re trying to teach them, but ultimately they’ll have more fun if they feel successful. Genuinely interested in being involved.

8. Be silly and play. Grandparents can do all sorts of activities to have stupid, fun times with their grandchildren. One idea is to put a silly skit together with costumes and props.

9. Encourage independence whenever possible. Again, this supports growth and fosters a healthy sense of self-reliance. Most importantly, spend quality time together!

Show them that you care about them and their future by spending time with them and being involved in their lives.

Importance of  Involved Grandparents

 Grandparenting is a source of wisdom and stability in a child’s life. But did you know that they can also play an essential role in promoting the positive development of their grandchildren?

10. Provide love and support. Grandparents can show their grandchildren they care by spending time with them, listening to them, and being there for them when they need someone to talk to (being present).

11. Be a good role model. Grandparenting can set an excellent example for their grandchildren by living a healthy lifestyle, treating others with respect, and setting high standards for themselves. Grandparents provide love and support, are good role models, and help to instill solid values and a positive outlook; grandparents can make a lasting difference in the lives of their grandchildren. 

12. Help them develop strong values. By talking to them about what is important to them and sharing their values with their grandchildren, grandparents can help instill in them a sense of right and wrong.

Come from a place of grace for mistakes, big or small. This goes hand-in-hand with supporting independent growth; everyone makes mistakes, and grandchildren need to learn from their own experiences instead of being sheltered.

13. Help them develop a positive outlook on life. By encouraging and supporting them through difficult times, grandparents can help their grandchildren develop a strong sense of resilience.

14. Show them how important it is to live a healthy lifestyle. Explain why eating nutritious foods and being active are essential for their health. Please encourage them to try new things and be open to new experiences. Make mealtimes enjoyable by cooking favorite recipes, trying fresh foods, or telling jokes while you eat. 

Research shows children need 4 to 6 involved, caring adults in their lives to develop emotionally and socially fully.

How Can Grandparenting Develop a Positive Outlook In Life?

Provide Healthy coping skills. Teach them some healthy coping strategies for dealing with adversity, such as staying positive, keeping a sense of humor, and reaching out for support from others

Deep breathing or visualization helps them manage their emotions. Additionally, offer encouragement when your grandchildren are struggling. By teaching these valuable lessons, grandparents can help grandchildren develop into well-rounded adults who can effectively deal with life’s challenges.

Funny insight, my 2.5-year-old grandson taught me how he counts to five before he gets angry, like in the Incredible Hulk cartoon. He says the Hulk does this when he wants to control his anger. Smart!

How to Stay Out of Their Child-Rearing Decisions 

15. Please Encourage Parents To Talk To You. If the parents seem open to discussing their child-rearing decisions, encourage them. Ask them questions about why they made confident choices, and offer your own opinion if you feel comfortable doing so.

Respect their decision if they decide to do something different than you would have done. It may not be easy, but it’s important to remember that you are not the parents and know what is best for their child.

16. Don’t Try To Take Over. It’s important to remember that you are not the parent, and you shouldn’t try to take over their role. For example, if you start making decisions without consulting the parents, they may feel like you are trying to take control.

Do, however, let them know you’re available as a resource and want to help out however you can. Sometimes all the parents need is someone to talk to who has been through specific experiences. Be supportive and understanding but also honest about the challenges of parenting. Help them to see that it’s okay to make mistakes – we all do – and that you’re there.

Observing parenting styles that may not have been your grandparenting style and having no say can be difficult. You may feel your opinion doesn’t matter. However, there are ways to encourage your children to allow you some input in their parenting decisions.

17. Respect Their Wishes. The parents are the ones who should be making decisions about their child’s upbringing, not you. Therefore, you must respect their wishes if they have clarified that they don’t want your input.

Be respectful when you have disagreements with your children about parenting decisions. Try to avoid arguing or becoming defensive. Instead, calmly explain your point of view and listen to their side. If you disagree with something, talk to the parents privately instead of in front of the grandchild.

Child Rearing

If you want a say in your grandchild’s upbringing, respecting the child’s parents’ wishes and not trying to take over their role is essential. Here are some tips on staying out of their child-rearing decisions and encouraging them to give you some input.

18. Offer Help and Support even if the parents don’t want your input on decisions; they may appreciate your help and support. Offer to babysit or to help out in other ways. Be supportive of your children’s parenting decisions, even if you disagree with them. If you criticize or judge their choices, they may be less likely to involve you in the future. Let them know you’re there for them if they need it. Whether it’s babysitting, picking the kids up from school, or just lending an ear, let them know you’re there for them.


There is no single answer to how grandparents can positively influence a child’s life. But, there are many things grandparents can do to make a difference in their grandchild’s life. One crucial thing that grandparents can do is bond with their grandchildren.

Finally, it is also important for grandparents to respect their grandchild’s parents and not try to take over their parenting role. If grandparents consider these tips, they will indeed have a positive impact on their grandchild’s life.






11 Parenting Tips To Model Behavior

Model Behavior

Did your parents model behavior you would like to have seen as a child? Let me ask you an honest question, what grade would your children give you with respect to model behavior as a parent today? 

What type of role models do you suppose your children are looking for in you as their parents? Parents are the children’s first and most important influencers, 100%.

The most important thing that parents can do for their children is to be good role models. Children learn from what they see and hear around them, and they will imitate the behavior of the people who are most important to them. That’s why it’s so important for parents to set a good example for their kids.

Didn’t Have Model Behavior When You Were a Child

  What A Parent Should Be Doing?

If you didn’t have the behavior you would like to have seen as a child, you will most definitely need to learn as you go. There are so many books, Ted talks, and youtube video presentations available to all. 

These tools are there to educate you and provide ideas of what your ideal parent looks like and how you can become one yourself. Will you make mistakes along the way, YUP!   In the art of parenting, you will come to realize that there is no one right way to parent. 

How do you wish your parents modeled the skills you would have liked to have seen? Communication Helps to Model Behavior. 

Always be willing to learn and improve your communication skills.

1. Model Assertive Communication

Instead – Calmly, and confidently express your expectations. Enforce consequences if those expectations are not met. Avoid communication breakdowns by being clear and concise.

Avoid – Refrain from yelling,  Threatening, or Belittling your child

Being supportive of your children’s interests and involvement in positive activities.

Communicating with your child.

2. Practice Open-Mindedness


Use language that is specific and easy to understand.

 For example, instead of saying “I’m going to be late tonight,” say “I’ll be home at 8 pm.”

It can also be helpful to provide context or additional information to ensure your message is clear. 

For example, if you’re telling your child you’ll be late, you might say “I have to work late tonight so I won’t be able to tuck you in.”

This lets your child know what to expect and helps avoid any misunderstandings.

Avoid – Using words or phrases that are confusing, vague, and open to interpretation wording.

It’s also important to be aware ofThe tonality of your voice…Body language when communicating with your child.

 Instead –  Use a Calm and friendly tone.

Maintain – Eye contact. This will help convey your message more effectively.

Avoid – Sounding angry, Frustrated, and Disappointed

These can make your child feel defensive or upset.

3. Model Behavior That Is Great For Your Childs’s Growth Success

Messages You Could Be Sending To Your Children Through Your Actions. Some parents may not realize the impact their actions have on their children. 

For example…a parent who is always working long hours may be sending the message to their child that work is more important than family. This can lead the child to feel neglected and unimportant.

Alternatively, a parent who is always arguing with their spouse may be sending the message to their child that relationships are difficult and this is the method to communicate with one another.

  • Avoid conflict, and talk things out calmly and respectfully
  • Active listening, Maintaining eye contact
  • Use non-verbal cues to show interest
  • Make gestures, lean in, say “uh”, “Hm” and nod
  • Refrain from interruption, Speak kindly and without judgment
  • Listen with patience and understanding, and Show empathy towards others
  • Compromise and negotiate, Handle difficult conversations in a tactful way

It’s always worth setting a good example in terms of personal behavior, such as treating other people with respect, refraining from using drugs or alcohol, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Parenting Classes Online with Certificates and Types of Certificates

4. Respond to Your Child’s Emotions in a Supportive Way


Using non-supportive interaction, –  “Calm down,” –  “Don’t be sad/mad/frustrated/etc.” – “It’s not a big deal.” – “Stop crying.” – “I don’t know why you feel that way.”

Responses like this will invalidate your child’s emotions and can make them feel like they are not allowed to express themselves. Instead, try to respond in a way that shows you understand and empathize with how they are feeling.

 Supportive Responses

“It sounds like you’re feeling really upset/angry/frustrated,” –  “It’s okay to feel that way,” – “I’m here for you,” – “Do you want to talk about what happened?” – “Can I give you a hug?         

 Encourage Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving (Ask)

  • “What do you think is the best way to handle this situation?”
  • “What are some possible outcomes of this situation?”
  • “How do you think the other person is feeling in this situation?”
  • “What could you have done differently in this situation?”
  • “What can you do to fix this situation?”
  • “What can you do to prevent this situation from happening again in the future?”

5. How to Express Their Emotions in a Healthy Way

Talk about how they’re feeling with a parent, caregiver, or friend. Drawing or painting about their emotions.

Punching a pillow or stuffed animal to release anger in a safe way. Express themselves through dance or creative movement. Play with a pet, which can help boost feelings of happiness and love.

OfferPraise and Positive Reinforcement for Good Behavior

Words of encouragement like “good job!”, a Hug or high five, Extra attention and praise, Stickers or other small rewards, Letting them choose an activity to do together, and Special privileges, like staying up an extra half hour on a weekend night.

Set Consistent Boundaries and Limits

Bedtime limits, Screen time limits, Homework limits, Housework or chore limits, and Food and snack limits.

Model The Behavior You Want to See From Your Child

Such as Kindness, Empathy, etc., Smiling at people, Saying please and thank you, Holding the door open for someone, Picking up something someone dropped, and Offering to help with something!

To model empathy, you can put yourself in another person’s shoes and try to understand how they feel. You can also express understanding and concern for how someone else is feeling. Lastly, you can take action to help make someone feel better if they are experiencing a tough time.

Follow Through With Consequences When Necessary

6. Communicate Openly and Honestly With Your Child About Difficult Topics

What type of difficult topics should you discuss with your child?

Some difficult topics you may want to discuss with your child are death, divorce, violence, natural disasters, and illnesses. It is important, to be honest with your child about these topics and to answer any questions they may have. You should also provide comfort and support if they seem upset or worried. Additionally, you should let them know it is okay to talk to you about anything that is on their mind.

Additional Model Behavior Parents Can Teach Their Children Include

Setting a good example in terms of personal behavior, such as treating other people with respect, refraining from using drugs or alcohol, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

7. Demonstrate Strong Character Traits 

There are many strong character traits we can model to our children. Some important ones include;


It is important, to be honest with our children and set a good example for them. We should also respect their feelings and opinions, even if we don’t always agree with them.

We need to be responsible for our own actions and be there for our children when they need us. It is also important to teach our children empathy so that they can understand how others feel and be more compassionate.

Finally, we should model perseverance to our children, so that they can learn to never give up, even when things are tough.

8. Model Respect for Authority Figures and Follow Rules and Laws

First and foremost, parents must respect authority figures themselves and set an example for their children to follow.

It is also important to have a discussion with your children about why it is important to respect those in positions of authority and follow rules and laws.

You can explain that by doing so, we create a society that is orderly and fair, and that everyone can feel safe within.

 Finally, it is also important to reinforce these concepts through your own actions as a parent 

…As an example, by following rules and obeying laws yourself.

Exhibit Positive Behavior in Terms of Work Ethics

9. Model Behavior – Take Ownership and Personal Responsibility 

There are a few ways that a child can take ownership and personal responsibility for their behavior.

One way is to be aware of their actions and how they might affect others. Another way is to be willing to take responsibility for their own mistakes and learn from them.

Finally, it is important to avoid the blame game by accepting responsibility for their role in any situation. 

By taking these steps, a child can learn to be accountable for their own actions and improve their behavior over time.

Care About Your Appearance

One way we can model the Care About your Appearance lifestyle to our children is by always making sure that we are well-groomed and presentable. 

We can also explain to them why it is important to make a good first impression and how our appearance can affect how others perceive us.

Additionally, we can encourage them to take pride in their own appearance and to always strive to look their best. 

Finally, we can lead by example by maintaining our own appearance in a way that we feel is stylish and professional. By doing all of these things, we can teach our children the importance of caring about their appearance and help them to develop into well-rounded individuals.

10. How to Manage Money Responsibly and Make Wise Decisions

It’s never too early to start teaching your child about money management. Some parent psychologists,  recommend that you model responsible behavior around money and use everyday opportunities to teach your toddler about wise spending and saving decisions. 

For example, when you’re grocery shopping, explain to your child why you’re buying certain items and how you’re budgeting for the purchase.

You can also involve your child in simple money-saving tasks, like putting loose change in a piggy bank. 

By teaching your child about money management from an early age, you’ll set the foundation for healthy financial habits that will last a lifetime.

11. Parents Should Provide Structure and Limits for Their Children

While it’s important for parents to allow their children some freedom to explore and make their own choices, it’s also important for parents to provide structure and limits. 

Children need to know what is expected of them and what the consequences will be if they don’t meet those expectations.

This helps them to feel safe and secure and provides them with a sense of structure in their lives.

By setting a good example and modeling the behavior you want to see in your children, you can help them develop into responsible, caring, and successful adults.


Your children are watching and learning from everything you do, so make sure that they see you model the behavior you want them to emulate.  Many child psychologists state that one of the most important things that they see parents doing wrong is not being good role models.

Parents are their children’s first and most important role models, so it’s crucial that they set a good example for their kids. I’ve outlined eleven ways that you can be a great role model for your child, based on what research has shown to be effective.

If you can model these behaviors yourself, your child will likely follow suit. As my 2-year-old grandson says, “You got this”.  Enjoy your children!

Kready? Top14 Readiness Essentials


Kready? Is your child prepared for a successful school experience? As parents, we want what is best for our children. To help you prepare your child, here are 19 readiness essentials outlined on the kindergarten early entrance test and how to prepare for it. The kindergarten early entrance test tables shown below have been taken from the Florida Department of Education sight, which is local for us. You will want to locate the state and Department of Education in your area to find samples of your early entrance test.

As parents and caregivers, we want them to be happy and succeed. One of the ways we can help set our children up for success is by ensuring they are well-prepared for kindergarten. 

Part of that preparation is taking a kindergarten readiness test. But what is a kindergarten readiness test? And is my child required to take one? First, look at the kindergarten readiness test and how it can benefit your child.

The most important thing, however, is that a child is excited about the new experiences the child has for success and getting kready for kindergarten.

 11 parenting tips to model behavior for your kids

What Is Kready and The Kindergarten Readiness Test?

This test measures a child’s skills in five areas.

Early literacy that a preschool child will need to know can be found in your local school district. I have researched what the requirements are in our state Star Early Literacy.

The Florida Kindergarten Readiness Screener (FLKRS) is a tool to measure a child’s readiness for kindergarten in language arts, 

Is My Child Required to Take the Kindergarten Readiness Test?

No! Your child is not required to take the kindergarten readiness test. However, have your child take the test if they will be entering kindergarten in the fall. The test results can help you, and your child’s teachers better understand your child’s strengths and weaknesses and how best to support them in kindergarten. 

Where can I locate actual line item samples of the kready Pre-K Test

 This sample test includes all five sections of the assessment: early literacy, math, social-emotional development, approaches to learning, and physical development.

What Does a Preschool Child Need to Know When Getting Kready For Kindergarten?

1. First is the ability to recognize and count numbers 1 to 20

2. Secondly, each youngster should be able to identify basic shapes (e.g., circle, square, triangle.)

3. Thirdly, A pre-kindergartener needs to understand essential addition and subtraction concepts

4. Next, children entering kindergarten must know the days of the week and months of the year.

5. FollowingA successful kready child should be able to identify coins and their values.

6. Additionally, the subscale includes items that measure a child’s ability to understand and express emotions, also known as Social-Emotional Awareness.

Pre Assessment For Kindergarten Skills

 7. As a result, each entering student should be able to demonstrate an awareness of the individual sounds (phonemes) in spoken words, Phonemic Awareness.

 They should be able to hear, identify, and manipulate phonemes in words. The child’s alphabet knowledge and ability to recognize and name letters of the alphabet, letter knowledge. Additionally, it includes being able to learn letter sounds and identify what the alphabetic principle is.

  •  For instance, a child who is phonemically aware can identify the individual sounds in the word “cat” (c-a-t) and can change the order of those sounds to make new words such as “act” or “at.” Children need to identify the letters of the alphabet and their corresponding sounds. They should also be able to put notes together to form words.

 8. Provide an understanding that spoken language can be represented in print and that reading is a way to get meaning from print, Print Knowledge, and Awareness

 A print-aware child knows that books are read from left to right and top to bottom and that spaces separate words on a page: a child’s interest and enjoyment in books and print.

Pre K Screening Test – Skillsets Required

  9. Basic Vocabulary refers to the words a child knows and understands. A child with a strong vocabulary will be able to name objects, express ideas, and follow directions. It includes learning the meanings of words, saying new words, and using words differently.

10. Recognizing primary colors and naming colors are essential skills for children to learn. Naming colors help children link what they see and what they hear.

11. Ability to understand and make sense of what was read, Communication and Comprehension.

A child who is good at comprehending can answer questions about a story, identify main ideas and details, make predictions, and draw conclusions.

12. Word decoding skills are the ability to read words by breaking them down into their sounds and then putting those sounds together to form the word. For example, the term “cat” can be read as c-a-t or k-a-t. A child who is good at word decoding will be able to read new words by sounding them out with fluency skills.

  • Fluency is reading text accurately, quickly, and with expression. A fluent reader child can read smoothly and automatically without having to stop and sound out every word.
  •  Fluent readers also comprehend well because they can focus on meaning while reading. 

13. A young child must be able to sit still for short periods when entering kindergarten.

14. Sharing is something that children learn over time. They need to be able to share so they can make friends and play together. 

As you can see, a lot goes into getting kready!

 Parenting Journey Tips – for your Kready Child

There are various ways that parents and caregivers can teach letter sounds and support the development of these skills in their preschoolers. One way is to provide opportunities to practice what they are learning.

    •  For example, they can count objects around the house, practice recognizing shapes in their environment, or name colors when they are out and about.

It is also important to read aloud to them daily and provide various exciting materials for them to explore, such as books, puzzles, and toys. Finally, it is helpful to model the approaches to learning skills that you want them to develop.

    • For example, if you want them to be curious, ask them many questions and encourage them to explore their world. If you want them to be persistent, show them how to keep trying when they face a challenge. And if you want them to be creative, encourage them to use their imaginations and try new things.

You can help your preschooler develop the skills they need for a lifetime of success.

What Is a Core Reading Assessment?

A core reading assessment is an assessment that measures a student’s reading skills using a common set of standards. A core reading assessment aims to provide educators with information about what students know and can do in reading to plan instruction that meets students’ needs.

 You can learn more about core reading assessments here. Also, check out this in-depth article on Phonemic Awareness Strategies.

The information and tables collected below are FLKRS samples to inform instructional decisions and support children as they transition into kindergarten.

 The FLKRS is not used to determine eligibility for kindergarten or to place children in specific instructional programs but offers tools for getting kready for kindergarten.

The FLKRS (Florida Kindergarten Readiness Screener)

This readiness test consists of two parts and three sections.

Part 1. The child’s teacher completes the classroom observation scale.

Part 2. The child’s parent or guardian completes the developmental profile.


A includes 14 short audio playtimes, B has eight longer audio playtimes, and finally, C 5 early numeracy items are presented at the end of each test.

*The screener is administered to students in the fall of their physical development

The FLKRS is not used to determine eligibility for kindergarten or to place children in specific instructional programs but offers tools for

Phonemes Included in the Phonemic Awareness 

Table 5

Consonant Phonemes, Vowel Phonemes, both short and long, Digraphs, r Influenced, Blended.consonant digraphs

 Structure of the Star Early Literacy

Table 2 

  • Word knowledge and Skills Blueprint Domain
  •  Phonics – Structural Analysis.
  • Word Building – Sound-Symbol Correspondence Vowels – Word Families/Rhyming – Words with Affixes – Syllabification – Compound Words – Identify words – Decode Multisyllable Words.

word families kindergarten

Table 2 Continued

  • Vocabulary words
  • Word Facility – Synonyms – Antonyms.
  • Match words to pictures – Meaning words – Categorical Relationships – Sight Words – Assisted and Unassisted.

 how many sight words should a kindergarten know

Structure of the Star Early Literacy 

Table 3

  • Comprehension Strategies and Constructing Meaning Domain
  • Sentence-level comprehension – paragraph-level comprehension.
  • Comprehension at the sentence level – comprehension of paragraphs.
  • Then listen to the text and answer questions; Who, What, Where, When, and Why.
  • Finally, read the text and answer questions; Who, What, Where, When, and Why.

 Star Early Literacy Item Bank

Table 4

  • Early numeracy refers to the foundations of reasoning acquired in early childhood.
  • Number naming and number identification – number object correspondence – sequence completion – composing and decomposing, and measurement.
  • Recognize numbers 0-20 – count 1-20 – recognize ordinal numbers 1st-10th – compare sets of up to 5 objects –  identify the number of 10s – complete a picture pattern – add 1 to a set – subtract 1 from a set – compare sizes, weights, and volumes.

early numeracy











Get your child ready for kindergarten by taking a pre-kindergarten skills assessment. As I have stated, the test will help you identify any areas where your child may need some extra help before starting school, so what are you waiting for? Talk to your child’s teacher today about taking the pre-kindergarten skills assessment to become kready! Your child will be glad you did!


Holy Buckets! – 17 Life Skills Learned Through Organization

Holy Buckets

Implementing the idea of the “Holy Buckets” can teach your children the importance of responsibility, organization, and time management using this simple tool. This invention came about from a mom’s idea for making her kids clean up their clutter and went viral for a reason — it’s brilliant.

By simply attaching a name label to each bucket and setting a time limit, she’s teaching her kids some valuable lessons. Unfortunately, the original name for these buckets was not internet friendly, so I adopted a new term, “Holy Buckets.”

Not only does this system help teach responsibility, but it also encourages kids to be more organized. And let’s face it, we could all use a little more holy buckets organization in our lives.

if you’re looking for a way to get your family more organized, why not give this mom’s idea a try? You might be surprised at how well it works!

11 Parenting Tips To Model Behavior For Your Kids

So this is the way this brilliant idea works in Six Steps.

  • First, purchase some colored buckets- I suggest getting a little buy-in first by asking the kids, out of these bucket choices, which color would you like with your name on it? 
  • Second, place items around the house, and place the items in the designated bucket.
  • Third, deposit said items in each personally labeled bucket.
  • Fourth, explain to everyone in the household the time limit for putting the items that have been placed in the bucket away. Say maybe after dinner.
  • Fifth, if any of the buckets still contains items before bed, the contents will be thrown away.
  • Sixth, if you have a family pet, choose a new member to empty and place items back in the appropriate place daily.

It’s a simple solution that can help your family stay organized. Plus, it’s a great way to teach everyone about responsibility and taking care of their belongings.

It’s A Stroke of Genious

Here is a list of the valuable lessons these simple buckets could inadvertently teach all household members, even the pet toys.

What is time management, and how can children use this holy bucket skill in your household?

When you set a time limit for your children to clean up their belongings, you teach them the importance of time management. This activity is a valuable skill they can use in all aspects of their lives, from school to work to personal relationships.

By giving them a specific time to complete a task, you are helping them develop valuable skills they can use in all aspects of their lives, from school to work to personal relationships.

How can this “holy buckets” idea do much more than organizing? These buckets could inadvertently be teaching all members of the household, even the pet toys, without them knowing.

When you set a time limit for your children to clean up their belongings, you teach them the importance of time management. This is a valuable skill they can use in all aspects of their lives, from school to work to personal relationships.

By giving them a specific time to complete a task, you are helping them develop valuable skills they can use in all aspects of their lives, from school to work to personal relationships.

“Holy Buckets”! – 17 Life Skills Learned Through Organization

Many parenting experts agree that certain skill sets are essential for children to learn to succeed in life. These skill sets could include accountability, cooperation, creativity, hard work and dedication, punctuality, responsibility, and self-gratification.

By teaching children these skill sets at an early age, parents can help set them up for success in all areas of their lives. One of the most important things that children can learn is accountability. This includes taking responsibility for their actions and learning to accept the consequences of their choices.

Cooperation is another essential skill set, as it helps children learn to work together towards a common goal. Creativity is also necessary, as it allows children to think outside the box and develop new and innovative solutions to problems. Finally, hard work and dedication are essential for any child who wants to succeed. Parents can help children develop into well-rounded and successful adults by teaching them these skill sets early on.

These are the most valuable life skills I have identified from this article. Can you think of any more perhaps that I have missed?

Accountability Core Value

1. Accountability

When you’re accountable for your messes, you’re less likely to make them in the first place. That’s because you know you’ll have to clean them up yourself, and that’s not something anyone likes to do. But accountability doesn’t just stop at avoiding making messes. It also teaches an accountability core value.

When you’re accountable for your actions, you’re more likely to take responsibility for them. And when you take responsibility for your actions, you’re more likely to feel ownership over them. That sense of ownership can lead to taking pride in your work, which is always a good thing.

Money Management

2. Allowance for Kids – Money Math, Value of Work, and Budgeting

If the item gets thrown away and the kids desire it, a replacement will be purchased through their allowance.

Some parenting experts believe that giving children weekly allowance can teach them many important lessons. For example, it can help them to learn the value of money and how to budget their spending. It can also encourage them to be more independent and responsible.

Moreover, it can give them a sense of pride and accomplishment as they save up for something they want. Ultimately, parenting experts believe that an allowance is a valuable tool for teaching children about financial responsibility.

3. Cherished Possessions, Belongings

Every parent wants their children to grow up to be responsible and respectful adults. One way to help instill these values in our young children is to teach them the importance of belonging. This idea of” holy buckets” checks so many boxes to show them how to take care of their toys and clothes, teach them to put things away neatly, and demonstrate the importance of taking care of other people’s belongings.

By doing so, we can help our children learn to respect both their belongings and the belongings of others. We can also encourage them to be more responsible by teaching them the importance of caring for their belongings. Finally, doing so can help set our children on the path to becoming responsible and respectful adults.

4. Cooperation or Cooperative

A skill set we learned to put our things away when we were very young. It is a simple task, but it helps to instill a sense of cooperation and orderliness. As a result, we keep our living space organized and tidy when we put our things away. This not only makes it more pleasant for ourselves and those around us, but it also helps to prevent lost or damaged items.

As we age, we learn to see the value of cooperation and working together. We may not always like doing it, but we understand that it is necessary to achieve common goals. Whether at home or at work, putting our things away is a small act that can greatly impact our ability to cooperate and succeed.

They were working together to keep the house clean and tidy. It is helpful because kids feel like they are a part of the team and are more likely to cooperate when everyone is pitching in. Dividing up tasks- each person in the family has their own “job” or area to keep clean. This helps because people are less likely to make messes in the regions that aren’t their responsibility.

5. Creating an Independent Relationship

One of the most important elements a person can learn is to be independent. Independence means doing things on your own without needing anyone else’s help. This is an important life skill that everyone should learn. The earlier a person understands this skill, the better off they will be in life. If each child has their bucket, they will know their things are theirs, not their brothers’ or sisters. This can save a lot of time and frustration in the long run.


6. Creative Thinking Skills

As any parent knows, children are natural-born creators. Yet, with just a few simple materials like the “holy buckets,” they can conjure up entire worlds of make-believe. One way to nurture your child’s creativity is to provide open-ended materials they can use in whatever way they choose. For example, one could be labeled for laundry while another for used for toys. The key is to provide opportunities for your child to use their imagination and explore their ideas. Doing so will help them develop into creative, confident thinkers.

Relationship Management Emotional Intelligence

7. Family Time – Working Together

This helps to build strong family bonds and to teach children the importance of working together. Lead by example, and the mother is teaching everyone that they need to do their part in keeping the house clean. This is an essential lesson for all family members, as it sets an excellent example for them to follow.

8. Hard Work and Dedication

If the family members don’t put their things away in the allotted time, they will get thrown away. If they act, they will reward them. You can also teach your kids the value of hard work by having them help you with chores around the house.

For example, you can have them help you carry groceries from the car to the house. You can also have them help you with laundry by sorting the clothes into different buckets. This will teach them that even though some tasks may be complex, they can still accomplish them with a little hard work.

9. Having Fun in Learning

Creating a type of game out of picking up lost items assists the learning process! One way to get your kids to help around the house is to make it into a game. Create by using different types of holy buckets. For example, you can have a “put away” bucket and an “I don’t know where it goes” bucket.

Every time your child cleans up their room, they can put anything they don’t know where it goes into the “I don’t know where it goes” bucket. They can then ask you where those items go, and you can help them find a home for them. This way, they are still learning where things go, and they are having fun at the same time.

 Hygiene Skill  

10. Orderliness and Cleanliness 

Being orderly and clean can help children in various settings, both at home and school. At home, keeping their rooms clean can teach kids through the holy buckets organization system that will be useful later in life. A tidy space is also more relaxing and inviting than a chaotic one, so teaching kids to clean their living areas can help them wind down after a long day.

At school, being neat and organized can help kids stay on top of their work. A cluttered desk can make it difficult to focus on schoolwork, but having everything in its place can help kids stay calm and focused. Additionally, many teachers prefer tidy and organized students, as it shows that they are serious about their education.

Finally, being orderly and clean can also be helpful when playing with friends or spending time at a friend’s house. Friends appreciate it when visitors take care of their belongings and clean up after themselves. Additionally, knowing how to keep a space clean can be helpful if you ever need to babysit or pet-sit for a friend.

Overall, learning to be orderly and clean can benefit children in many different aspects of their lives. Teaching kids these skills early on can help set them up for success at home, school, and in social life.

Self Organization

11. Organized Living

A system or method of creating order accounts for almost everything, and nothing gets lost. Most importantly, being organized saves time. When you are disorganized, it takes longer to find things, and you may lose essential items. But when there is organization when utilizing the holy buckets, you know where everything is and can quickly and efficiently locate those items.


12. Perseverance

Many people give up easily when faced with a challenge. Whether studying for a brutal test or trying to lose weight, they often don’t see the point in continuing if they don’t achieve their goal immediately. However, the mother in this story is teaching her children the importance of perseverance.

By labeling buckets with their name and setting a time limit, she encourages them to keep trying until they succeed. This valuable lesson will help them throughout their lives as they face other challenges that require perseverance. For example, if they don’t get the grade they want on a test, they need to study more and not give up.

Or if they’re trying to lose weight, they need to keep going even if they have a terrible day. Learning to persevere is an essential life skill and one that will help them achieve their goals.

Planning Skills

13. Plan Ahead

When children are aware of their surroundings and take ownership of their belongings, they also learn time management skills. They understand that they must put things away promptly, so they don’t lose them. This is an essential skill as they grow older and have more responsibilities.

Children learn how to manage their time and how long it takes to do specific tasks. It also helps to prevent things from being forgotten or left out. Through this activity, the mother is teaching her children the importance of time management, organization, independence, and perseverance. These are all critical life skills.

Time Management

14. Punctuality

Having a set time limit to put things away teaches children the importance of meeting deadlines and being on time. As they age, this skill will become increasingly important in school and work settings.

15. Responsibility

The mother is teaching her children responsibility by requiring them to put their things away in the buckets labeled with their names. Finally, they realize they are responsible for their belongings and need to take care of them.

They are learning to be responsible for their actions and their belongings. Children who learn to be accountable for their belongings and actions are more likely to succeed. This is because they know to take care of their things and to be responsible for their actions.

Self Regulation

16. Self Gratification

Learning about self-gratification helps children to understand that they need to do things for themselves and not just for the sake of getting a reward. In addition, this valuable lesson will help them throughout their lives as they face other challenges that require self-gratification.

Problem Solving 

17. Sequencing of Events

The sequencing of events is a critical life skill that helps us to understand and remember the order in which things happen. It’s a valuable skill we use every day, whether following a recipe, driving to a new location, or getting ready for bed. Learning how to sequence events is an integral part of the development of young children.

The “holy buckets” are an excellent way for them to learn this skill. By putting the items in the buckets in order, they will begin to understand how to sequence events and put things in order. This valuable skill will help them throughout their lives as they face other challenges that require them to sequence events.


So if you’re looking for an easy way to help your family clean up their act, give the “holy buckets” system a try! It’s simple and organized, and most importantly, it teaches many skills that will carry them through well beyond adulthood. Who knows, maybe this idea will go viral like so many others before it!













Top Benefits of A Divorce Parenting Class?

Divorce parenting class, whether mandatory in your state or not, consider enrolling in either an online course or locally. Tough on everyone involved, from children without a parent figure to adults struggling with emotional stress.

Taking a Divorce Parenting class can reduce trauma and make it easier for you as a parent. 

In addition, parents gain a better understanding of the emotional needs of their children during this challenging time. By taking a divorce parenting class, parents can give themselves and their children the best chance for success.

The class can help parents learn how to resolve conflict, communicate effectively, and make decisions. The course can also help parents understand the emotional impact of divorce on their children.

These courses help in a way to reduce the stress and trauma of divorce and make the transition to co-parenting.

While the divorce parenting class is not a requirement in all states, it is often court-ordered that the parenting s through the court system when minor children are involved in a divorce.

In some cases, the class may be mandatory for both parents; in other cases, only one parent. 

Taking a parenting class can help parents better understand their children’s needs and how best to meet them after a divorce.

11 Parenting Tips To Model Behavior For Your Kids

Purpose of a Divorce Parenting Class

The class typically covers communication, conflict resolution, and creating a parenting plan.

Enrolling in a divorce parenting class reduces stress and anxiety, improves communication with their ex-partner, and better understands the needs of their children.

The class can also give parents the tools to create a positive co-parenting relationship that will benefit their children.

Divorce Parenting Class May Be Mandatory In Your State

Many states in the US require that the spouses undergo a divorce parenting program before they get divorced. A court will provide the sentence regarding the custody of the kids after the parent education program and the parenting classes.

The class for the spouses ensures that each other learns the best ways to co-parent their children once separated and living apart. The majority of states have now made divorce parenting classes mandatory.

US courts can also order the parents to undergo classes when they find that the divorce case has high conflict.

 In severe distress, parenting classes can ensure that the parents can stay on the right course of action and nurture their kids in the best ways.

Parents are required not to come in contact with one another in a high-conflict situation. In addition, they must stay with the children more when the divorce ends. Such measures ensure that the kids remain the focus of the attention of their parents.

The parents or parents also do not carry a pang of guilt and do not blame themselves when they can take care of their kids well enough.

In 7 states of the US, it is not mandatory to undergo co-parenting classes for those who are seeking a divorce. However, sometimes a court-ordered parenting class is advised, and one another is required to take the divorce parenting classes before they part ways. 

This website shows each state’s requirements for a court-ordered parenting class. Confirm these statistics with your attorney always.

Parenting classes ensure that departing parents can take care of themselves and their children, and the entire family can overcome the divorce trauma in the least time.

Location Of A Divorce Parenting Class

Sometimes, the courts may order the couples to take a divorce parenting class directly. It is a part of the ruling and sentence of the court. In this scenario, the court will require the spouses to produce the “certificate of completion” once they have completed the classes.

The court will issue the divorce only after the parents have undergone the classes and have produced the certificate. These classes are run at specific locations by specific providers. The court will provide the list of places and courses the spouses can attend.

The lawyers can also provide a list of the locations and the divorce parenting class providers. Sometimes, the court may not order the couples to take the classes. Instead, the pair must still ask the court or the lawyers for the list of class providers and attend them.

There are also specific community and non-profit organizations that arrange divorce parenting classes. They may be organized by churches and community colleges as well. In addition, specific public counseling centers can provide co-parenting and divorce parenting classes to people at large.

An internet search on Google with the right keywords can reveal the names of these community colleges and locations where you can attend divorce parenting classes or a co-parenting course. You can also find these community colleges’ contact addresses and phone numbers online.

A brief discussion on the phone will help you know more about the benefits of the classes and how they are organized.

Common Topics Covered In DivorceParenting Class  

  • Handle intense emotions that often accompany divorce.
  • Communicate effectively with your ex-spouse about parenting decisions.
  • Maintaining a consistent routine for your children.
  • Help children adjust to living in two homes.
  • Impact of divorce on children’s development and future relationships.

A divorce parenting class can provide helpful information and guidance for divorcing parents by covering these topics. In addition, by helping parents understand their children’s potential challenges, such courses can encourage parents to work together to make the divorce process as smooth and positive as possible for their children.

These courses are typically 6 to 8 hours in length.

Online Divorce Parenting Class

The Internet has also allowed spouses and couples to attend parenting classes online. In addition, there is much more privacy for the parents in the online parenting classes compared to the types that run at the locales. Besides privacy-related benefits, online parenting classes also have more flexibility for parents.

Parents need not find babysitters for their kids attending online parenting classes. They can also carry out their usual professional or business duties and follow the parenting classes at their own pace.

If the court requires that you attend the parenting class, you need to know whether the court permits online parenting classes. Judges, counties, and States may have different requirements related to divorce parenting classes.

An online parenting class may not be the same as a divorce class approved by a court regarding its legality. If the court supports your online parenting class and provides prior approval of enrollment, you can join it.

You will be provided the “certificate of completion” by the online course provider, and the court will provide you with a divorce based on it. 

On the other hand, if the court does not approve the online course, you must attend the parenting class at a location specified by the court.


A divorce parenting class and the “certificate of completion” must be necessary for some States when you seek a divorce. Courts also advise that the parents undergo the divorce parenting classes even when not making them mandatory. Because attending courses can reduce stress in your life, and family and kids can overcome the stressful situation of divorce.











4 Best Onlineparentingprograms Certificates

Onlineparentingprograms can be challenging and may take a lot of courage, strength, and commitment. However, there are several parenting classes online available to you. In addition, some offer certificate types that will guide, help, and support you on how to raise a child. 

You must focus on several things to ensure that your child/ children have their best life with you.

Parent support and programs aim to make new parents more competent by providing informative and relevant information.

Joining personal parenthood classes allows you to connect with advisors and other parents. Here they can provide answers on the parenting stages. However, enrolling in physical seminars or courses may not always be handy for some parents, so check out these onlineparentingprograms to see if they will work for your needs.

11 parenting tips to model behavior for your kids

Being a parent requires sacrifice, time, energy, and emotion to raise a child. Parenting is not easy and requires a lot of patience and understanding. However, there are several things you must focus on to ensure that your kid will have the best life with you. Although you may experience discomfort learning new parenting skills, you will be thankful for the applicable long-term skills you now know.


***If you intend to satisfy the court’s requirement to obtain a parent certificate of completion of a parenting class, please get in touch with your lawyer to ensure which programs and certificates are acceptable according to the court system in your county.

For example, my local county posted this statement on its website: “The completion of any other non-authorized online or in-class parent education program will not satisfy the Circuit Court XXX County’s mandatory parent education requirement.”

On the contrary, enrolling in physical seminars is advantageous due to its interactive learning. These sessions usually last a day; some come with minimal fees. With this, you will listen to lectures from parenting experts and participate in activities.

If you are a parent searching for practical childrearing classes to attend onlineparentingprograms, you have come to the right place! The following are the most sought-after online parenting classes with certificates:

Tiny hood Classes

parenting class online

First on the list is Tinyhood. Two engineer mothers started this class. They were once a frustrated parent who didn’t have access to parenthood guidance. Therefore, they created Tinyhood – a parenting guidance class for first-time or expecting parents.

Some of the topics covered are as follows;

  • tinyhood infant cpr
  • diaper full
  • nap transitions
  • hood nails (trimming baby nails)
  • breast milk freezer stash

Tinyhood is an online childrearing course by experts who can help you deal with different parenting phases. This class includes everything from breastfeeding issues and developing good sleep patterns for newborn babies.

You can join this class for only 49 US Dollars – which is worth the price considering that you can acquire lots of learnings from this course. Moreover, Tinyhood is currently offering its breastfeeding classes without any additional charge.

As a parent myself, these articles written on the Tinyhood website caught my eye. Once you join, you will receive similar essays as mentioned below and more.

    Tinyhood articles FREE to read

  1. Sunny side up birth –” The Ultimate Guide to Fetal Positioning.”
  2. 10-month-old schedule – “Sleep Support for Babies, Infants, and Toddlers.”
  3. 12-month sleep regression – “Are Sleep Regressions Real ?
  4. Sleep training naps – “Sleep Support for Babies and Toddlers.”
  5. Kiss in sign language – “Baby Sign Language: First 11 Signs to Teach Your Baby.”
  6. Oh, crap potty training method – “A Guide to Oh Crap! Potty Training.”

ParentingCode – Onlineparentingprograms 

parenting code

Toddlers are undoubtedly hard to handle. They do things that first-time parents might not understand in the first place.

As an example, some of the topics covered are;

  • double bind parenting
  • three year olds behavior solutions
  • what is terrible two

Toddlers are often stubborn and strong-willed. And the first few things they have learned from you are the concept of right and wrong and yes and no. Because of this, many parents might be frustrated.

Even though all these things can lead to a parent’s frustration, it is best to know that a lot of help is available. Talking to Toddlers is another parenting class that will teach parents why their kids behave.

Moreover, this onlineparentingprogram will also teach you how to communicate with your toddler properly. Talking to Toddlers gives parents ways to determine the things that may trigger their toddler’s tantrums and how to deal with them.

Below are samples of the types of content you will receive and more once you join as a member ParentingCode.

ParentingCode Articles – Onlineparentingprograms

FREE to read

Successful Parenting – “5 Tips for Successful Parenting”

What is normal terrible twos behavior –“What Exactly Are the Terrible Twos?”

Three’s behavior – “Three-Year-Old Behavior – Solutions for Every Parent.”

Teaching children to share – “The Right Way to Teach Kids to Share.”

Active Parenting – Crossroads of Parenting and Divorce


Dr. Michael Popkin earned a Doctorate in Counseling Psychology from Georgia State University and served as Director of Child and Family Services at an Atlanta hospital before entering private practice as a family therapist.

His work with overwhelmed parents and unhappy children convinced him that parents were not receiving the information and tools they needed to help their children become responsible, contented adults.

He then formed his own company in 1980, Active Parenting Publishers, to develop the first video-based parenting education program.” taken from the website (about) section.

A few of the topics covered;

  • stress card game (coping with stress card game)
  • negative parenting test
  • parenting in Spanish
  • spanking quiz
  • active parenting
  • divorcios

Divorced parents or those who plan to file an annulment must consider what they would do to their separate lives while keeping their support for their kids. Fortunately, Active Parenting developed a course that tackles this concept entitled Crossroads of Parenting and Divorce.

Understanding the concept of parenting is hard, especially if you have a live-in partner. However, it is even harder for parents who are separated or divorced. 

Despite your parenting differences, you should not let these traumatize your children in the future. Whether separated or divorced, parents must learn how to co-parent without tension. However, this requires 100% cooperation, willingness, and effort.

dr popkin developed an onlineparentingprograms guide that assists parents in going through the different stages their kids will go through. Including the parent separation stage and the attempt to find a healthy and new life for the family.

Unlike other parenting programs, this one divides co-parenting strategy into five, aiming to keep a healthy relationship and good connection with the ex-partner and the kids. Beyond that, it is also available at a more reasonable cost, perfect for parents on a budget.

Each session for this course lasts for four to six hours as you have to master and read different parenting materials. However, all this effort and money would be worth it.

Categories on the blog

Here are just a few of the subjects offered by Dr.Michael Popkin; Divorce course, solid growth parenting workshop, co-parenting online classes, best co-parenting books, and online group (divorce)

Positive Parenting Solutions – Get Kids to Listen to the Right Way


When you become a parent, establishing a good balance between your life at work and home becomes even more difficult. As an employee and a full-time parent require your undivided attention.

Fortunately, you can join onlineparentingprograms class – Positive Parenting Solutions, founded by Amy McCready, a full-time mother and an ex-Fortune 500 manager. This course will teach you advice on how to be the best parent, worker, and person through effective webinars and workshops you can engage in online.

Since it offers free classes, Positive Parenting Solutions have gained lots of praise from parents worldwide. However, like the other parenting programs, this one also has minimal drawbacks.

subtitles of some topics covered;

  • whine please please can I play with
  • boys fighting
  • sister and brother fighting
  • parent personality assessment
  • light spanking

After attending a free webinar, you need to spend a little of your money to access other classes on the list. In addition, this will also allow you to take the entire course with no hassle within the comfort of your home.

Onlineparentingprograms Offer Three Types of Certificates

Framed Certificate: This is a physical version of your certificate in a frame showing that you have completed the course.

Certificate: This is a physical certificate signed and branded by professionals. This certificate will be delivered directly to your location for free.

Digital Certificate: This is a downloadable version of the certification you can get in PDF. You are given this right after completing the course. A digital certificate is the most convenient.

Final Thoughts

Regarding your parenting skills and abilities, you don’t have to be ashamed to ask for assistance. But on the other hand, you must ensure that it is affordable, convenient, and highly accessible. Fortunately, the onlineparentingprograms classes mentioned above are reasonably priced. In addition, they will let you connect with parenting specialists who will teach you how to become the best parent for your children.